
  • Vitality Works: The Good Day Project

    • The Brief

      We were asked to help define the DNA of Vitality Work’s new pilot Resilience program and then create program materials and the beginnings of the promotional campaign.

      The ‘Good Day Project’ is an evidence-based, blended learning program which brings together three core bands of resilience to build happier, healthier people.

      These bands are Physical Vitality, Mental and Emotional Agility and Positive Relationships.

    • The DNA (positioning idea)

      There are many complex definitions of resilience – but simply put, we felt it was best described as: the ability to bounce-back from life’s stressors and move forward, better for the experience. So a positioning idea of ‘Bounce Back….Move Forward!’ was developed. We loved the idea of a multi-banded stressball to bring this idea to life and represent the three core strands of the program.


      It’s all about a program that helps participants to find the good in every day. We liked the friendly, non-technical depiction of resilience that this name delivers.

      Key program imagery and storytelling featured the stress ball in various settings. Incidentally no one was hurt in the making of this campaign. Although we did have some aches and pains from hours of jumping around on giant swiss balls on top of Bastion Point.

      Initial elements of the brand have been delivered by a participant promotional video, imagery for the website and a program folder which features the ‘Good Ideas’ – a series of challenges that help participants experience what resilience ‘feels like’.

    GDP_Folder Inside
    GDP Folder 10000 steps